Learn to Listen

一. 神是说话的神
God has spoken

1. 神向人说话
God has spoken to us

2. 神向人说话的途径
The ways in which God speak to us
(1)圣经 The Bible—the written Word
(2)父母 Our parents
(3)圣灵 The Holy Spirit
(4)聚会 When believers gather together
(5)环境 Various circumstances

二. 三种听的人
Three types of listeners

1. 听不进去(来5:11)
Those who have become dull of hearing (Heb.5:11)

2. 耳朵发痒(提後4:3)
Those with itching ears (2 Tim. 4:3)

3. 以诚实良善的心领受(路8:15)
Those who hear with a noble and good heart

三. 怎样听神的话
How to listen to the Word of God

1. 殷勤读神的话
Study the Word of God diligently

2. 以信心来听(来 4:2)
Listen with faith (Heb. 4:2)

3. 以愿意去实行的心来听 (雅1:22)
Listen with a mind to do (James 1:22)