Laying up a good foundation

一. 神坚固的根基立定了---耶穌基督(2 Tim 2:19)
The solid foundation of God stands --- Jesus Christ

Believe in and accept Christ as our savior, then grow up in Christ

二. 顺服

  1. 听见主的话就去行的,就是把根基立在磐石上(Matt 7:24)
    Hear the word of the Lord and follow it
  2. 出代价,胜过自己的肉体和世界的诱惑
    Pay the cost; deny the flesh and the temptation of the world

三. 依靠神
Trust in God

  1. 愿神的宝座在天,管理我们的一切 (Ps. 11:3)
    The Lord’s throne is in heaven, He knows everything
  2. 依靠神是谦卑的表现,但不是懒惰
    Trusting the Lord is a sign of humility
  3. 凡事藉著祷告,将自己所要的告诉神 (Phil 4:6)
    Let our requests be made known to God by prayer

四. 正常灵修生活---与神相交,与神连接(John 6:35)
Daily devotion --- commune with God

  1. 神的话是我们的灵粮
    The word of God is our spiritual food
  2. 祷告是我们灵命的呼吸
    Prayer is our spiritual breath
  3. 使我们在真道上站立得稳
    Make us stand fast in the faith

五. 保持健康的身体(1 Tim 4:8)
The care of the body

  1. 神看重宝贵我们的身体
    God puts great honor upon our bodies
  2. 操练身体对今生有益处
    Exercising your physical body is profitable for this life
  3. 健康的四要素---食物,新鲜空气,运动,休息
    Four essentials of health --- food, fresh air, exercise, rest