The Victory and Failure of Gideon(Judges 7-8)

一. 基甸的得胜 The victory of Gideon

  1. 三百个全人奉献,勇敢,同心的同伴 (7: 1-8)
    A consecrated, faithful band of three hundred companions

    (1) 胆怯的不能争战
         A cowardly heart could not stand in the conflict
    (2) 把个人利益放在第一的,不能争战
         Our own personal comfort must not be our chief concern
    (3) 争战最重要的不是人数,乃是人的心是否完全向神
          It is not a question of the quantity of men but the quality of men

  2. 神藉著大麦饼的梦鼓励基甸 (7: 9-14)
    God encouraged Gideon by the dream of a barley cake overturning the tents of Midian

  3. 争战的兵器不是属血气的,乃是属灵的---角,空瓶,火把
    The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual---a trumpet, and an empty pitcher with a torch inside ((7: 16-23)

  4. 谦卑的心态化解弟兄的争吵 (8: 1-3)
    The best way to vanquish jealous brothers is humility

  5. 对仇敌不放松,虽然疲乏,还是追赶 (8: 4)
    They were exhausted but still in pursuit until they reached the final victory

  6. 基甸拒绝作王,因为神是王 (8: 22-23)
    Gideon refused the throne, for only God is King

二. 基甸的失败――用米甸人的耳环做以弗得 (8: 24-27) The failure of Gideon---made the golden earrings into an ephod

  1. 基甸不作王,却自取大祭司的尊荣
    Gideon refused kingship but took the honor of high priest to himself

  2. 以弗得成为以色列人的网罗
    The ephod became a snare and an idol to Gideon and the Israelites