撒母耳 - 忠心的祭司
Samuel - A Faithful Priest

一. 神拣选撒母耳 Chosen by God

  1. 神用他将以色列人从士师时代带进君王时代
    God used Samuel to help Israelites adapt from the era of judges to the era of kings.

  2. 他是神所重用的人,与摩西,亚伦同列(诗99:6,耶15:1)
    He is honored by God, like Moses and Aaron.

二. 祷告的服事 The ministry of prayer

  1. 撒母耳,义为“从神那里求来的”(1:20)
    The meaning of Samuel: I have asked for him from the Lord

  2. 过了二十年的静默,藉著祷告,神的灵在人心中作工,引他们悔改
    Through twenty years of silence, Samuel prayed and the Spirit of God worked in the people’s hearts, leading to their repentance.

  3. 藉著祷告,打败非利士人,撒母耳立石,名为“以便以谢”
    The Israelites defeated the Philistines through prayer. Then Samuel set up a stone and called it Ebenezer (Thus far the Lord has helped us)

  4. 以色列人求立王,得罪神,撒母耳不停止为他们祷告(12:19-23)
    The Israelites sinned against the Lord by asking for a king for themselves.

三. 大忠心的祭司 A faithful priest

  1. 幼年时在以利面前事奉耶和华,谦卑受教,在小事上忠心
    He ministered to the Lord before Eli, and learned to be humble and faithful in the little things.

  2. 忠心传神的话,神与他同在,话语有能力
    He preached the word of God faithfully, and the presence and the power of God was with him.

  3. 他是忠心的祭司,照神的心意而行. 膏了两个王:扫罗,大卫
    He is a faithful priest, acting according to what is in God’s heart and mind.

四. 被百姓厌弃,仍然尽忠到底 Rejected by the people

  1. 以色列人效法列国,求立王,撒母耳不凭自己意思拒绝,他祷告神
    The people of God asked for a king like all the nations, Samuel prayed to the Lord, he did not refuse according to his own mind.

  2. 神告诉他只管听从,神一面尊重人的自由意志,一面警告立王后果
    God told Samuel to heed the voice of the people. God respects man’s free will but also warns them the consequences of having a king.

  3. 神的安慰:百姓不是厌弃他,乃是厌弃神,不要神作他们的王
    God comforted Samuel: they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I shall not reign over them.