The Great Exhortations (I Thessalonians 5:16-22)

一. 要常常喜乐
Rejoice always

While happiness depends on what is happening around us, rejoicing is independent of what happens

Three principles of rejoicing

We must remember who God is
Knowing what God has done, is doing, and will do
Knowing what God is doing, in and through other believers
Do not rejoice in ourselves or our circumstances, but in Him

二. 不住的祷告
Pray without ceasing

It is not to pray every minute of the day, but offer prayers continuously

The benefits of praying without ceasing

You are forced to shift the focus of your thoughts from yourselves to God
You stop thinking of how weak you are, and start thinking of how powerful God is

三. 凡事谢恩
In everything give thanks

Give thanks in everything, not only for prosperous and pleasing events, but also for afflictions and difficulties, for God designs all for our good.

These three verses (v.16-18) are God’s general will for us. If we obey these commands, God will reveal more of Himself to us

四. 不要消灭圣灵的感动
Do not quench the Spirit

The Holy Spirit helps our infirmities, and assists us in our prayers

We must not quench the Holy Spirit by indulging carnal lusts and affections, and paying attention only to earthly things.

五. 不要藐视先知的讲论
Do not despise prophecies

Prophesying is useful and needful, to have our minds stirred up and understand the word of God

六. 凡事察验,善美的要持守
Test all things; hold fast what is good

Don’t believe everything we hear. Discern the truth and cling to it

七. 各样的恶事禁戒不作
Abstain every form of evil

Discard anything less than truth and abstain from sin