向着标杆直跑(Phil 3:12-16)
Press on toward the Goal

一 生命的秘诀:在地上以天上的事为目标
The secret of life: to set our earthly goals on heavenly gains

二. 追求生命成熟
Pursuit of spiritual maturity

1. 保罗对过去,现在,和将来的看法(v.12)
Paul’s perspective on the past, the present, and the future

The past: I have not yet attained

The present: but I keep working

The future: I will finally be all that Christ wants me to be

2. 忘记背后
Forget what lies behind

(1) 忘记信主前的过去:主已永远赦免和忘记
All of our past (before our conversion) is forgiven, and forgotten, forever

(2) 忘记信主后的过去:昨日的失败不能叫我们灰心,昨日的成就也不能叫我们自满
Past failures (after our conversion) should not keep us discouraged;
past successes should not make us complacent

3. 努力面前
Reach forward to what lies ahead

Let us keep living by that same standard which we have attained; apply what we know

(2) 不要给自己太大的压力,神会看顾我们
Don’t put a great deal of pressure on yourself; God will take care of us

4. 向着标杆直跑
Press on toward the goal

(1) 神的标杆:神要在我们身上得着的(或要我们得的)
God’s goal: for us to possess that perfection which Christ first possessed

(2) 可以指:成圣,像基督,荣耀神,得奖赏
It may refer to: sanctification, Christ-like, God glorified, and receiving God’s prize